
Get involved by joining a committee

Through active participation on a committee, you will have the opportunity to become a leader and advocate on behalf of the environment, sustainability, and support South Carolina’s local chapters.

AIASC is the only organization representing the interests of architects in South Carolina.

As the sole voice of the architectural profession in the state, with over 900 members, AIASC can have significant influence over state-level policymaking.

Committee on the Environment

The Committee on the Environment (COTE) works to advance, disseminate, and advocate—to the profession, the building industry, the academy, and the public—design practices that integrate built and natural systems and enhance both the design quality and environmental performance of the built environment. COTE serves as the community and voice on behalf of AIA architects regarding sustainable design. The national Committee on the Environment is a Knowledge Community of the AIA with:

  • Nearly 9,000 AIA members
  • 64 local and state groups
  • 5 national advisory group members
  • 4 adjunct advisory group members
  • 6 regional team leaders
  • 30+ subcommittee & liaison volunteers

The mission of AIA COTE is to lead and coordinate the profession’s involvement in environmental and energy-related issues and to promote the role of the architect as a leader in preserving and protecting the planet and its living systems.

SCA Magazine

In the fall of 1958, the South Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects published its first journal celebrating the work and accomplishments of its members and informing them on issues of the day affecting the profession in a 30-page black and white quarterly.

SCA remains the only publication in South Carolina dedicated to architecture and the architects who design it. In 2000 and 2001, it was honored with a national AIA award for “Raising Public Awareness of Architecture and Design Among the Residents of South Carolina and Demonstrating the Importance of the Architectural Profession to the Built Environment.”

In 2017, we returned to a quarterly distribution and now offer a digital version. Each quarter features key topics pertinent to our members, sponsors, and partners.

Disaster Assistance Committee

Architects are adept and skilled in anticipating the impacts of disruptions in the built environment.

In 2012 after the Architects & Engineers Volunteer Act was signed into law, AIASC’s Disaster Assistance Committee convened to establish a statewide network of architects trained in building safety assessments following a disaster.

Since May 2013, over 100 South Carolina architects and engineers have been certified by California’s Emergency Management Safety Assessment Program, the only national program of its kind recognized throughout the country.

The third edition of the Disaster Assistance Handbook addresses disaster response and preparedness, with an expanded section on mitigation, resilience, and long-term recovery. Click here for more information on the resource.

CAGC Committee

For the past 50 years, the Joint Committee has provided a forum for the Design and Construction community to discuss pertinent issues related to the construction industry. The Committee’s goal is to promote cooperation among all the participants and to develop tools that support a collaborative process. One tool developed by this Committee is the publication of Joint Committee Recommendations which focus on best practices for architects and contractors to follow on the various issues affecting design and construction. The Committee also holds an annual panel discussion forum on current topics in the construction industry.

Recent topics covered include:

  • LEED Green Building Rating System
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Integrated Project Delivery
  • Construction Costs
  • Bidding Phase
  • Contracts
  • Construction Contract Administration

Contact AIASC to apply for a committee position.