TAKE ACTION! For almost 40 years, the federal historic tax credit (HTC) has provided communities throughout South Carolina with incentives to preserve historic buildings and revitalize their downtowns.
Now, despite a proven track record for kickstarting local economies and creating permanent jobs, the HTC has been eliminated in the House tax reform bill released last week.
In anticipation of the Senate releasing their bill in the next few weeks, AIASC members can contact their House and Senate members and urge them to put the HTC back in the budget!
Both AIA and the National Trust for Historic Preservation have created tools you can use to advocate to your Congressman and Senators for the importance of preserving the HTC.
To find your Congressman click here.
To contact your Senators, see below.
Senator Tim Scott
Chief of Staff: jennifer_decasper@scott.senate.gov
Legislative Director: charles_cogar@scott.senate.gov
Tax Legislative Asst: shay_hawkins@scott.senae.gov
Senator Lindsay Graham
Chief of Staff: Richard_perry@lgraham.senate.gov
Legislative Director: matt_rimkunas@lgraham.senate.gov
Tax Legislative Asst: Nick_myers@lgraham.senate.gov