2024 Storytellers + Creators Art Challenge

Tell a story. Send a message. Themes can be anything from AI, Sustainability, Resilience, Community, or the Environment. Capture the past, or imagine the future. Entries to embody a real or imagined place and its interaction with nature and/or people. Entries are encouraged to highlight architecture or any other built, unbuilt, or natural environments in South Carolina. 

Check out the 2023 Winners on our Instagram @aiasouthcarolina

“The most powerful words in English are ‘Tell me a story,’ words that are intimately related to the complexity of history, the origins of language, the continuity of the species, the taproot of our humanity, our singularity, and art itself.”

Pat conroy


Drawings & Paintings, in Traditional or Digital mediums
3D Models & Sculptures, in Traditional, digital, or 3D Printed formats
(Upload up to 9 images per entry)
Photography, Videos, &  Audio
(60 seconds limit for video and audio entries)
Creative Writing & Poems
(500-character limit) 
AI Generated Images or Text
(limited to one entry per person. Include the typed prompt in the description as well as the name of the AI generator)


Format: .jpg (.mp4 for video & audio)(.pdf for written/text entries)
File Size: 8mb max (30mb for video and audio)
Image Size: 1080×566 landscape, 1080×1350 portrait, or 1080×1080 square, 
Video Size: (30fps, 9:16 aspect ratio for video & audio)
Upload & Submit at: aiasc.org/i-see-sc/
Deadline:  August 30, 2024
Other Instructions:

  • Under “Post Description” Include #SCetch, #SCulp, #SChoot, #Scribe, or #SChatbot on your submission to indicate the category of your piece. Artist description is optional.
  • Limit to three entries per person/group. Provide the names of all the people involved in the “Post Description.”
  • If doing multiple entries, submit each entry individually.
  • Open to all AIAS and AIASC members. 
  • Entries will be posted online for public voting. Winners of each category will be featured in the AIASC Awards Ceremony.

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