Design for Adaptability: What, Why, and How?

Please join us as we welcome Session Speaker Brandon Ross, PE!

Brandon E. Ross is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Clemson University. His professional, teaching, and research efforts focus on structural engineering in general and reinforced and prestressed concrete in particular. Brandon’s BS degree is in Architectural Engineering; when he isn’t breaking concrete in the lab, he researches building adaptation and embraces his alter ego of “wannabe architect.”

The content presented in this session is partly derived from an ongoing National Science Foundation grant that aims to quantify and measure adaptability in buildings

Design for Adaptability: What, Why, and How?
February 1, 2019 
2:00pm – 3:00pm

Design for Adaptability (DfA) is a design philosophy that acknowledges, embraces, and facilitates the inevitability of change and adaptation. As such, DfA creates resilience against the slow-moving hazard of obsolescence. This session will present definitions, history, motivations, technologies, and case studies that are relevant to DfA. Participants will be engaged in exercises to assess adaptability (or lack thereof) in existing and hypothetical projects.


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